Max accommodation occupancy available in Search Form vs Room capacity

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    Question related to services;

    (1) My maximum accommodation occupancy available in search form I set to 10 occupancy/guest, however, let say one of my camp/tent capacity is only 4 adults. When add service for example bar-be-que BBQ, the max number i can choose is only limited to 4 which is the room/tent capacity. Can I have the option to have 10 guest in total? Meaning not limited by just the room capacity.

    (2) Any idea if I have Accommodation type A, B & C, can I set the rules if I choose accommodation type A & C, I will have a special discount rate?



    Hi, Kean!

    (1) Unfortunately, there is no such option, since maximum number of guests the service can be applied to depends on the capacity parameter, otherwise, the plugin would not “understand”, how many persons the service can be applied to.

    (2) Currently there is no such option, however, we do have such a feature request already. If there are more similar requests from other users, we will consider adding this option to one of plugin future updates.
    As an option you may add a note to your Guests about the special price, if they book accommodations A and C. If you do not use online payments, you will be able to create a special coupon code and apply it to the booking manually in your Dashboard for such Guests.


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