Make it so only one room can be booked

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  • #1727151

    How can I make it so that only one room can be booked in any one order?

    I have “Redirect to the checkout page immediately after successful addition to reservation” enabled in the settings, which I hoped might make it work in this way as the user would be directed immediately to the checkout.

    However, if they then hit the back button in the browser to go back to the search results they can the add another room to the order.

    Also (kinda connected) there doesn’t seem to be any way to remove a room from the “Cart”. That won’t matter though if I can make it so that there can only ever be one room in the booking.


    Hi Richard,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The option ‘Redirect to the checkout page immediately’ does not allow clicking on the Book button for several Accommodation Types on the Search Results Page. It was not considered that users go back to the search results age again. I’ve replicated the case and forwarded it to our developers. We will notify you if we have any news.

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