Invoice has no tax informations

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  • #1189142

    I need in my invoices an information abaout tax. There is no way to do this, or?


    Hello Felix,

    Tax information is included in invoices by default, you should make sure to set up your taxes under Bookings ->Taxes & Fees, so they are displayed in an invoice.



    Hello Andre,
    it works if I include first tax (second item). But the tax is on top of the price. Other taxes and payments are not visibel if I exclude the tax (second item).


    Hello Felix,

    The issue is currently taken care of it ticket #42783, kindly expect an email with further updates there.



    Hi, i see also that the tax is on top of the price.
    how can i make the price include tax?


    Hi Bob, you can go to Bookings > Taxes and Fees, edit the Tax, and check the option to include it in the price.


    I did, but it still doesn’t calculate the price correctly.

    On the search page, the price is correct, but on the room page, it calculates a different price ( taxes on top of the price ). The same issue occurs on the checkout page as well.


    Hi Bob, could you please provide screenshots or examples to explain what you mean?

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