Include more information in the imported bookings

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  • #1027821
    James Woods

    Hi, most of my bookings originate from either VRBO or Airbnb. I’ve noticed that the calendar sync process in the hotel booking plugin does not import the guest names from the other booking platforms even-though it appears that the guest names are included in the export from the other platforms. I’m currently using v 3.7.1 of the hotel plug-in. Is there an option/setting that will allow the guest names to be added to the wp_postmeta table? (with meta_key of mphb_first_name and mphb_last_name). If not, is this feature available in a new version of the plug-in?? or is it planned for a future release?


    Andre Flores

    Hello James,

    Such option is not available in the Hotel Booking plugin so far.We do have similar feature requests from other users and I have added your up-vote to them as well. In case there are more requests regarding this matter, we will consider adding this option in one of the plugin future updates.
    Meanwhile the customer name may be included in the logs of the imported bookings:


    James Woods

    okay, thanks for the response.

    Andre Flores

    Hello James,

    You are welcome, thank you for your suggestion as well.


    Luca Gullo

    Good evening.

    Is there anything new about this update to add more information (guest names, payment information, ecc…) in the synchronization?
    I use synchronizations with and airbnb.

    Thanks and best regards

    J. Davis

    Hi Luca,
    Thanks for your question. We did not add any additional information about booking to the iCal file. The main purpose of the synchronization is to keep the calendars updated on different platforms. All the detailed information about direct booking can be found on an appropriate channel.

    Justin Adam

    Don’t you think it would be valuable to have this guys? I don’t think this would take a lot of development. do you need help? I run a communications firm and we are looking to refine and improve this system to be able to compete with the others. why not put the extra effort to take it to that next level? seems there is a demand for this feature and the original request was almost 4 years ago. this shouldn’t only take a few weeks to develop.

    here is what we are working on:

    Justin Adam

    the way it shows the date range of imported bookings as single nights rather than a continuous stretch isn’t intuitive either. I feel this could be easily improved. rather than importing just some of the data, import and display all of it. not a lot of extra work I don’t estimate.

    J. Davis

    Hi Justin,
    The ical file import/export of bookings has some limitations. Even if we add more information to the ical file, other platforms like Airbnb or will not do this and it will not be effective.
    It requires creating other types of synchronization like by API, however, we did not find the most popular channel manager that will be most effective for our customers. We are collecting the feedback and keep this in mind so we will update this topic if we have any news. Thanks for your feedback.

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