How to customize the accommodation type page layout

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Booklium How to customize the accommodation type page layout

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  • #1709170
    Brian Xiang

    Is there a way I can customize the accommodation type page layout? such as I would like to add one more section there.

    the page url I am referring to is like: ../accommodation/acc_type_1/, so you know which page I am talking about

    Brian Xiang

    I am using Booklium theme

    J. Davis

    Hi Brian,
    You can read this post to learn how to create a custom template for accommodation types
    If you like the default layout but want to add a custom section you can use functions.

    add_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', booklium_render_custom_section', 60);
    function booklium_render_custom_section(){
    echo 'test';

    The code can be added to the functions.php file of a child theme or to a third-party plugin like Code Snippets.

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