How to change the order of the items in the drop-down?

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  • #560300

    The order of the items in the drop-down (view=”dropdown_list”) reflects the order how the events come up during the week (for example: first event on Monday is first event in the drop-down and so on). That doesn’t make a lot of sense… How to change the order in the drop-down?


    Hi Leo,

    Currently, this is the only way to order your events, but we are gathering feedback from our users and will add new features in our further updates.
    Please, let us know how you would want to organize the events in the dropdown. Examples are appreciated.

    Best regards,
    Stacy Lind


    Hi Stacy,

    Alphabetical order would be good, or, even better, the possibility to set a number for each item and order them along the ascending numbers.

    Thank you for your efforts.

    BR, Leo


    Hi Leo,

    Thank you for the suggestions. We will consider them for our future updates.


    Hi Leo,

    Thank you. We’ll keep it in mind.

    Best regards,
    MotoPress Team



    We are happy to announce about new version release 2.3.9 where it is possible to sort the list of events in the filter. Thus there is a new parameter view_sort with the following values: empty string, menu_order, and post_title.

    It would be much appreciated if you rate TimeTable plugin

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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