How to change the number of months in calendar at single property page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking How to change the number of months in calendar at single property page

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Jochen Held.
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  • #959766
    J. Davis


    In order to change the number of months in the availability calendar on the page of the accommodation type you may add the following code to functions.php file:

    //remove the default calendar
    remove_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', array( '\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView', 'renderCalendar' ), 40 );
    //register a new custom function to add shortcode where you can change the number of the months
    add_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', 'my_theme_custom_calendar', 40 );
    function my_theme_custom_calendar(){
    	echo do_shortcode('[mphb_availability_calendar monthstoshow="1,3"]');

    It is recommended to add the code to functions.php file of the child theme to keep the changes in case the parent theme is updated.

    Best regards,
    J. Davis

    Jochen Held

    Thanks it works! 🙂 And it looks, that i asked the same question nearly 1 year ago. I found a changed functions.php-file in my directories. the right file has been overwritten by me last days… sorry and thank you for the help!!!

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