How can I delete or else edit the home page slider

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Campterra How can I delete or else edit the home page slider

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    I added three of my own images to display on the home page slider, but the slider doesn’t look good on mobile. I would like to figure out where to go to edit (decrease mobile H1 or H2 font size and decrease image size for mobile, or I would like to delete it all together and use a different image slider.
    Thanks for any help.


    Hi Adam,

    Thank you for your question. You may add custom styles to override default ones on mobile devices e.g.

    @media (max-width:920px){
      .front-page-header-wrapper .slick-slider h2 {
        font-size: 1.5em !important;

    It is also possible to place third party slider by overriding theme files.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    How can I make it so the slide image is responsive and reduced to fix a mobile?


    Hello Ben,

    Open the needed slider Settings > Appearance > under the “Visible” section you can find available “Presets: Phone, Tablet< Desktop". Choose the "Prone" preset to make the slider responsive. Best Regards, M. Evans


    Hello I don’t see the spot to edit the slider. Would like to disable it completely for home page. Is there a way to do this?


    Hello Jheryll,

    The slider on the Home page is displayed via child pages of the Home page – each slide is a child page. You may edit pages featured images and excerpt in order to edit the slider or simply get rid of child pages to disable slider. For more details check the Documentation.

    Best regards,
    Andre Flores


    Hi Andres,

    I started a fresh page using the home template with nothing attached and it doesn’t work. I had to call out the div with css and write display none with an important.




    Actually, it should be enough to unassign the child pages for the Home page to remove the slider on the Front Page when you use the Campterra theme.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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