Hiding Fees & Fees Total Headings in booking confirmation page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Hiding Fees & Fees Total Headings in booking confirmation page

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  • #1647327
    Azhdar Sirwan


    I would like to hide the Fees & Fees Total rows and only keep the fee item (security bond) & price. Is that possible through css?

    Thanks in advance.

    Azhdar Sirwan

    Figured it out by adding the following as additional CSS:

    .mphb-price-breakdown-fees-subtotal, .mphb-price-breakdown-fees, .mphb-price-breakdown-fees-total {
    	display: none;

    Any idea what is the shortcode for the subtotal field of the booking? as adding .mphb-price-subtotal or .mphb-subtotal won’t hide the field

    J. Davis

    Hi Azhdar,
    Thanks for sorting this out on your own. You may use the inspector browser tool to find the name of the class https://prnt.sc/y0aMTB5yYbDP

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