Gallery in Add Accommodation Type is not visible within 1 language

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  • #1102958

    Using WMPL. They logged into the website and ascertained that the Gallery is not working within French Language due to your plugin configuration and not due to the Language translator.

    The gallery is only viewable in English so for me to add or modify gallery images I have to switch to English as default then switch back.

    Do you know what might cause the issue in this regard as my client requires french as the default language..

    The gallery referred to is the gallery found in accommodation – > accommodation types -> click on accommodation then see gallery below featured image on the bottom right.

    Thank you.


    Hello Ushir,

    Check your Media Translation options and make sure that media is translated in other languages.
    If the issue persists, submit a request to our Help Desk providing your website URL and temporary access to WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at the issue.


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