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  • #593073

    How do I add more forms? example CPF, address etc.


    Hi Francisco,

    You can add the address fields by ticking them under Accommodation > Settings >
    As for the CPF number, unfortunately, there is no field for it, but we can help you modify the Notes field on the checkout so that you will get the CPFs through it. For this you need to provide a link to your website. You can do it here or privately in our ticket system –


    So is it possible to put any forms? wanted to put options like pay card … if the customer select, appears forms with card numbers, expiration date …. is it possible to do this?


    Hi Francisco,

    It is not safely to request card expiration date and other secure details. You should better you use one of the provided payment gateway for this:
    – PayPal
    – 2Checkout
    – Stripe
    – Braintree
    – Beanstream/Bambora

    Best regards,

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