Featured image in Rooms detail page

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  • #947237

    is possible to restore the featured image in the accomodation page details? Now is possible to see only if there isn’t images in gallery accomodation. I would like display ever one big image for the specific room. tnx


    Hello, Alessandro!

    You may simply remove gallery in Accommodation Type editing page and set the Featured Image: https://prnt.sc/s7g493. Once it is done, the featured image will be displayed instead of the gallery.



    this functionality was already known. I’d like both. both featured image and gallery together.


    Hi, Alessandro!

    There is a condition in theme files to load gallery only, if it exists in accommodation type settings, otherwise the featured image should be loaded. The code is located in content-mphb_room_type.php file under /wp-content/themes/booklium/template-parts/ directory:

    	if ( $has_gallery ) {
    	} else {
    		booklium_post_thumbnail( 'booklium-large' );

    You may overwrite it by adding the following code to the child theme:

    	if ( $has_gallery ) {
    		booklium_post_thumbnail( 'booklium-large' );

    Best regards,

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