Featured image and gallery images

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  • #1085659

    Dear MotoPress team

    I use the Hotel Booking plugin on the Twenty Seventeen theme and would like to change how the featured image and gallery are shown on the search results/accomodations page and single accomodation type pages.

    Specifically, I would like to display the featured image as a kind of thumbnail on the left side of the text on the search results and accomodations pages. On these pages, I do not want to display the gallery.

    On the accomodation type pages, however, I would like do display the gallery right at the top, where the features image is now.

    Any tips?

    Best wishes


    Hello Jonas,

    In order to get rid of the gallery on Search Results page copy the room-content.php file from /wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/templates/shortcodes/search-results/ directory to /wp-content/themes/twenty-seventeen/hotel-booking/shortcodes/search-results/ directory.
    Once the file is copied open it for editing and locate the following code approximately on lines 37-48:

    if ( $isShowGallery && mphb_tmpl_has_room_type_gallery() ) {
                    <div class="loop-room-images-wrapper">
    					 * @hooked \MPHB\Views\LoopRoomTypeView::renderGallery - 10
    					do_action( 'mphb_sc_search_results_render_gallery' );
    			} else if ( $isShowImage && has_post_thumbnail() ) {

    Replace it with the following:

    if ( $isShowImage && has_post_thumbnail() ) {

    As for the single accommodation type pages, you may find detailed directions on how to override its content in this article.



    Hi Andre

    Thanks! This helped a lot!

    Best wishes


    Hello Jonas,

    You are most welcome.
    It would be very much appreciated of you leave your positive feedback about the Hotel Booking plugin at: https://motopress.com/products/hotel-booking/#edd-reviews-respond.

    Thank you in advance!


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