Enhancement Request for the Booking List and Details Screens

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Alberto.
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  • #1331010

    The Hotel Booking mobile app is very useful for when we are out of the office and need to look up a reservation quickly to see some details.

    For the next release, would it be possible to:

    (A) Add the guest name and accommodation fields to the booking list screen, as it would make it much easier to scroll through and find the guest/booking that we need to find.

    (B) Add guest name to the booking details screen for imported bookings? That screen currently does not show the customer information, but instead only shows the iCal note/message. If First Name, Last Name, phone and email are not null, they should show on this page. (In our business we add these details to all of our imported bookings).

    Thank you! Keep up the good work!




    +1 to “AM Realty” for opening this thread.
    I am interested too. If other users are too, remember to write “+1” or similar (are the function “vote-up” is missing in this forum)


    Thank you for your upvotes.


    ~3 years and no updates .
    To the developers team: Is this request unreasonable? If yes, in which sense?

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