Dynamic dropdown in the appointment form not works as expected

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    I think that the correct behaviour is that the dropdown menus should be show only the value connected with the previous selection.

    For example using your demo, services, locations, and employees should only display data that are linked to each other, otherwise, it becomes unusable:

    If I select “Mathematics” the dropdown menus for service, location and employees should be show only the values connected.

    Is this something that will be corrected shortly or is this a limitation that cannot be solved with your plugin?


    Hello Michele,

    This is exactly how it works on the Edme demo, when selecting Mathematics category only services related to mathematics are available for selection: https://prnt.sc/11763ny.
    Let me know if this is what you are referring to.



    Hello Andre,
    this is what I see in the demo (and also in the local version that I use to test your plugin):

    Dropdown issue


    This is the screenshot (in the previous post the link is broken):


    I’ve tested with Chrome and works as you said but if I use Safari browser not (desktop and mobile). I think there is a compatibility problem with this browser. Please check because I think a lot of people use a Mac or a iOS device.


    Hello Michele,

    I have passed the request for further investigation to our developers. Once I receive a feedback from them, I will immediately let you know.



    I think a bug like this should be given top priority.


    Hello Michele,

    The request is already under our developers’ investigation, once there is a solution I will immediately let you know.



    Hello Michele,

    I am delighted to let you know that we have released the update for the Appointment Booking plugin v. 1.3.1 with the conditional fields not functioning in Safari browser. Feel free to update the plugin to the latest version to have the issue resolved.




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