Default Booking ID on “Add New Payment” screen

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  • #1327337

    Can the Booking ID default to the ID of the booking I’ve just launched the payment screen from? I feel like it used to do this but changed with a past update.

    The scenario is that I’m on a confirmed booking page and want to add a manual payment. I click “Add Payment Manually”. This launches the “Add New Payment” screen.
    On the “Add New Payment” screen, the Booking ID on the “Add New Payment” screen is BLANK. I then have to select the Booking ID that I want to apply the payment to from a drop-down list. It would be great if it could default to the ID of the booking I was just on.

    Unless the user has thought to note the Booking ID from the previous screen, you have to navigate BACK, note the booking ID and go back to the “Add New Payment” screen. I’m certain that 99.9% of the time, if the user is in a booking, they aren’t going to think “Oh, I need to add a payment for a DIFFERENT booking … I’ll do that from here!” They’re likely adding a payment for the booking they’re actually working on.

    Multiple attempts to modify my own code to remember to note the booking ID before trying to add the manual payment have failed. πŸ˜‰

    AM Realty
    Participant the behavior you describe is the default behavior that we see in our system for this plugin. (I do not believe we did anything to make it this way, but it was the behavior out of the box… I think.

    For example, when we go to booking number 7862 at page […/wp-admin/post.php?post=7862&action=edit] and click on the “Add Payment Manually” button, it takes us to the Add New Payment page with the Booking ID, Gateway, Gateway Mode, and Amount already pre-populated. In this example, the URL of the page that we are taken to with the values pre-populated is: […/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=mphb_payment&mphb_defaults%5B_mphb_booking_id%5D=7862&mphb_defaults%5B_mphb_gateway%5D=manual&mphb_defaults%5B_mphb_gateway_mode%5D=live&mphb_defaults%5B_mphb_amount%5D=10]

    What is the URL of the page you are taken to when you click the “Add Payment Manually” button? Is it just […/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=mphb_payment] without any “&…&…&…” arguments?

    J. Davis


    Please make sure you use the latest version of the Hotel Booking plugin as the issue you describe has been fixed in one of the next updates.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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