Currency Symbol Change

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  • #697550

    We have selected United Arab Emirates Dirham as the currency and we get currency symbol in Arabic letters. Instead of that we just need AED as a symbol and we tried below code from another topic to create a new currency.

    add_filter( ‘mprm_currencies’, ‘add_my_currency’ );

    function add_my_currency( $currencies ) {
    $currencies[‘TEST’] = __( ‘Currency name’, ‘mprm’ );
    return $currencies;

    but nothing happened. Please guide us to change it to AED in place of Arabic letters.

    Thanks and Regards

    Manoj KB


    Hi Manoj,
    We are going to update currency list in a new version. Stay tuned to to miss this release.
    Meanwhile you can use the code below to edit currency label of United Arab Emirates Dirham

    add_filter('mphb_currency_symbols', 'change_aed_currency_symbol',  10, 2);
    function change_aed_currency_symbol ( $currency_symbol ) {
        $currency_symbol['AED'] = ('AED');
        return $currency_symbol;

    Hi J. Davis

    It worked perfectly for us. Great support and waiting for the new version.

    Thanks and Regards



    All the missing currencies were added in version 2.7.5 of MotoPress Hotel Booking.


    Hi! I would like to use “USD” or “u$s” or any similar symbol to indicate our prices are set in american dollars, instead of plain “$”, which can be taken as argentinian pesos.
    Thank you in advance!


    Hi Patricia,
    Yes here is an example for USD:

    add_filter('mphb_currency_symbols', 'change_usd_currency_symbol');
    function change_usd_currency_symbol ( $currency_symbol ) {
        $currency_symbol['USD'] = ('USD');
        return $currency_symbol;

    Thank you very much, J!

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Patricia,

    Please make sure you added the code to the end of the functions.php file. I tested the code and it worked correctly

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