Copy of booking confirmation mail

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  • #1087747
    Oliver Sippel

    I want to get a copy of every booking confirmation mail a guest is getting. How can I set this up?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Oliver,

    Unfortunately, there is no such option in the plugin, as both admin and customer get their own confirmation emails. Could you specify in more details in which cases getting a copy of customer confirmation emails is needed?


    Oliver Sippel

    Hello. The Hotel wants it in every case for documentation reasons. Is there a possibility to add some php code in order to get this done?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Oliver,

    Such changes would require plugin custom development. At the moment there is an option to resend the confirmation email to the customer, but not the admin. We will keep your request in mind and in case there are more similar requests from other users, we might consider adding such option in one of the plugin future updates.


    Alwin Verduijn


    I have a question about the email that is send to the customer with the confirmation link in it. My client want to skip this email so when a customer makes a reservation it is completed directly instead of first needing to confirm it via that url..

    Is this possible ?

    With kind regards,

    Alwin Verduijn

    Andre Flores

    Hello Alwin,

    One option would be setting the confirmation mode to “By admin manually”, in this case the admin will have to approve bookings. Another solution would be setting the confirmation mode to “Confirmation upon payment” with the Test Payments enabled only – this will display no information about payment on the Booking Confirmation page and have the booking confirmed right away.



    +1 to Oliver Sippel request.

    It is so strange to me that this is not out of the box.
    I have had a private support from MotoPress that confirm that at the moment is not available this important function.

    I paste here a little extract of my considerations:

    I had already mentioned configuring my email with the “WP Mail SMTP by WPForms” plugin, which is functioning correctly. My SPF and DMARC settings have been verified as accurate using Despite this, the sent emails do not appear in my email account’s “Sent” folder, which is crucial for maintaining a comprehensive email history for booking confirmations and other guest communications.

    Understanding that this feature is not currently supported by the Hotel Booking plugin, I would still like to emphasize the importance of having a full historical view of sent emails for administrative purposes. This need seems to be quite common among users. If there are any potential workarounds or future updates that could address this [see later], it would be greatly beneficial.
    Now I am valuing to have the PRO version of “WP Mail SMTP by WPForms” just for this function (but inside their plugin)

    I just found these topic explaining the “heart” of the problem very well
    wordpress .org/support/topic/outgoing-mail-being-delivered-but-not-staying-in-sent-folder/
    stackoverflow .com/questions/2264249/mails-sent-via-smtp-should-get-reflected-in-the-sent-folder-on-the-email-server
    wordpress .org/plugins/wp-mail-logging/ <- is not a fully solution, as it block at point 2.

    [ ]
    In any case , if there will be not, I still suggest to an hour making a summary af all the above and adding this to your official documentation (minium to the notifier plugin, but I would add to the standard installation too). To clear out doubts.

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    J. Davis

    Hi Alberto,
    There are many various free plugins that allow you to log all the sent emails from your website.


    Thank you Davis for your reply.
    I agree, some plugin of that exists, but they act at a different level than proper “sent” email, so the lever of “sending-assurance” is lower (I am not referring to email ranking/spam, not at all; those are already set 10/10).
    And this level of “sending-assurance” is very important as these are email that also require payment/etc.

    Basically, when you send an email from a webmail or email client, the message is first sent out. Following this, the client sends a second command to the mail server to save the message in the Sent Items folder.

    In fact, all email clients have an option that allows you to choose whether to save sent messages in the corresponding folder.

    When using WP plugins that allow to configure SMTP parameters, the sending is correctly done via SMTP connection. However, since you are sending through a PHP function, it does not save the message in the Sent Items folder.

    You can verify what I’m saying by checking this link:

    <<“You have to understand the mail() function works on a remote server. The function you send the E-Mail with does not know the concept of a “Sent mail” folder.”>>

    So, the mail() function ignores the concept of saving in the Sent Items folder.

    For this to work it is necessary to manually modify the code in use to send a command (MPHB code) to save the message on the mail server.

    Plus add this:

    # Consulting emails on one favourite email client (eg the difficult to beat gmail) is a 10/10 convenience

    # Consulting emails on a wp-admin backend (basically desktop only ready) on a third party plugin that does not have a “thread” like style in gmail multiple emails but each mail is on a different row , this is a 2-3/10 convenience.

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