Cookie which breaks the caching (dreamhost)

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    The site can not be cached by Dreamhost because there is a motopress cookie which breaks the caching (dreamhost). The support from Dreamhost says :

    “The motopress-hotel-booking plugin is putting cookies down on every
    single page, this causes each session to be unique and breaks the server
    cache. You would want to reach out to the plugin developers to see if
    they can offer any suggestions to make the plugin cache friendly via
    current settings or push an update to the plugin that fixes it.”

    Any ideas?


    Hello, Ryan!

    Thanks for the interesting question. I have contacted our developers and they ensured me that no plugin cookies could cause server cache to not function. I would recommend that you consult with DreamHost about other possible reasons causing server caching issue, since it is not likely the plugin that does it.
    If you/they have any further concerns, you may submit your request to our Help Desk.



    I’ve been having issues also, each time I go to visit my website (with booking plugin and theme installed) I only see text and have to delete cookies in order to see the site properly again. Very frustrating! Probably end up deleting the motopress stuff, what a waste of money 🙁


    Hello Daniel,

    I am extremely sorry that you are facing issues on your website. I would kindly ask that you submit a request to our Help Desk providing access to your WordPress dashboard and your hosting control panel, so we take a closer look at settings and provide further assistance.


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