Configuring multiple rates and minimum stays

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  • #984434

    Hi there

    My first time trying to set up the hotel booking plugin, and I’m struggling to get it working properly. My client has 3 rates:

    1. Fri/Sat rates per night, plus a minimum 3 night stay, variable by number of people.

    2. Weekday rates per night, variable by number of people.

    3. Weekly rates, variable by number of people. Minimum 7 nights stay.

    I’m having difficulty in a couple of areas:

    Firstly the 3 night minimum stay works fine when checking in on a Friday or Saturday, but not on a Wednesday or a Thursday. I don’t want a check-in on a Thursday to have a min 3 night stay – but I also don;t want a 2 night stay (Thu, Fri) to be allowed!

    Secondly, when I try to book for a week, it applies the day rates. In this case I want the weekly rates to jump to the top. I was hoping the minimum 7 night stay rule might have kicked in. I know (think) I can ‘solve’ this problem by adding a night variation on the day rate price (and I may well end up doing this) but is there any other way within the plugin to get this working?

    Thanks in advance



    Please, follow the instructions below and let us know if this solution fits your needs:
    – create 2 seasons (weekends and week days)
    – add booking rules for these seasons as in this screenshot
    – add seasonal prices for “weekends” and “week days” seasons and specify price for 7 nights (see this screenshot

    Best Regards,
    Mary Evans


    Hi Mary no that won’t work (although I did try it to confirm).

    – Guests should be able to check in and check out any day
    – If the stay includes a Friday or Saturday night the minimum length should be 3 nights

    ^^ This is essentially what I need to achieve


    I should say with the 2 seasons set up and a minimun stay of 3 nights applied to weekends, I can *almost* achieve this. It’s just the boundary condition:

    It works for guests checking in on a Fri, Sat. The issue is only with a Thursday check in where the following 2 scenarios should be allowed:

    1. Check in Thursday for 1 night
    2. Check in Thursday for 3 nights

    Scenario 3 is check in Thursday for 2 nights. As this includes a Friday it should *not* be allowed


    Hello Corrine,

    In the “Check-in days” booking rule, you should specify the needed days for check-in of the needed season(s). Then, in the “Minimum stay” booking rule you should specify minimum number of nights to stay and season(s) to apply this rule to.
    If the Thursday day is included to the season that has 3 nights Minimum stay rule and applies to the “Check-in days” booking rule, it will not be possible to book less than 3 nights when checking-in on Thursdays since rules cannot be broken.

    Best Regards,
    Mary Evans


    But this is the issue – it should be possible to book 1 night on a Thursday check-in. Just not 2. So that won’t work either.

    I was thinking along similar lines and set up a Thursday Check In Season.
    Check In Day Thu, Check out any day but Friday. But that means anyone checking in on a Thursday can never check out on a Friday. So that’s not quite working either ….


    ^^ Actually what I will do is confirm with my client that a 3 night stay on a Thursday is acceptable. It might well be, which would be easier all round!


    Hello Corrine,

    I’m afraid, there is no possibility to book 1 night or 3 (but not 2) when checking-in on Thursday (but also be able to check-out on Friday if it is not the 2nd day of booking) by following the description of the desired result you need (if there is no misunderstanding).
    The request is rather complicated.

    Best Regards,
    Mary Evans


    Thanks! I’ll push the 3 night min stay on a Thursday solution.


    You are welcome, Corrine!
    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions in the future.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

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