Check in and Check out Time format 24h

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  • #1445214
    Rene Wandel

    Hello your dear Motopress team,
    Is there a way to format the output of the check in and check out time in 24 hours via the child theme’s functions.php?

    Check in: 10 am and Check out: 3:00 pm in
    Check in: 10:00 and Check out: 15:00 (24 hours)

    Thank you, Rene

    J. Davis

    Hi Rene,

    Thanks for your question. The date and time format are inherited from the general WordPress settings at Settings > General. You can select another time format there.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Rene Wandel

    Hi John, thanks for the reply. I know the information and have also made the adjustment. But I mean the time format in the frontend. (Reservation) See screenshot. Do you have any idea? Not 03:00pm but 15:00

    Best regards, René

    Screenshot Time

    J. Davis


    It works on my local installation. Please check the screenshots:

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Rene Wandel

    Hi John, so damn simple. I didn’t think of that at all. That’s magic. Thank you for your idea. It works. Have a nice weekend,

    best regards, René

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