Category or location difference?

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  • #920941
    Alison Proctor

    We have installed the booklium theme with the demos data and started populating it with our own villas.
    One thing that seems unclear is the difference between the category and the location as the demo villas have the same info in both category and location. I need my villas to belown to both and city and an area within that city with both being searchable. What is the best way to proceed with the categories and locations in this case?

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Alison!

    Thank you for your question. Categories are used as an additional parameter for grouping your accommodations, it can not be used in availability search forms.
    As for Locations, it is added as an additional Attribute, which makes it possible to use it in search form.
    For example, in you case you may use Locations attribute for cities (if there are several) and add one more attribute, let’s say, Areas, to use it for different areas of the city.
    You will be able to also add any additional attributes to the availability search form, so your guests could filter search results by cities and areas. Check out the following video tutorial on how to add an attribute to the search form:

    Best regards,

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