Restrict registered users permissions for Motopress Slider

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Slider Restrict registered users permissions for Motopress Slider

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  • #963361


    I’ve been using Motopress Slider and created some slides. But I found any registered person (even with the customer role) has permission to use Motopress Slider, including editing/deleting/duplicating/changing settings on existing slides. I’d like to restrict only administrators can have permissions to use Slider. Is there a way to support this? Could you advise how to solve this problem?

    Thanks & Regards,


    Never mind, I’ve found a way to solve this issue.


    Hello, Aaron!

    I am glad that you have managed to resolve the issue. It would be appreciated if your share your solution with other users, in case they face the same issue.



    For anyone who is interested, some plugins which customise admin dashboard can achieve it.



    Hello Aaron,

    Thank you for sharing your experience, it will be useful for MotoPress users in the future!

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

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