booking workflow

  • This topic has 22 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by J. Davis.
Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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  • #875975
    Marco Mocellini

    I agree with Marcel. The number of guests should be at least preselected with the chosen number in the first place, but still be able tochange if they want.
    So fully agree with Marcel on this matter.

    Cheers Armin

    Dimo Zhelev Zhelev

    I agree with Marcel and Marco

    Leonardo Escalera

    Hi! I also agree with Marcel. Number of guests selected in search form should follow the booking process. In mi case, having a vacation rentals site, its unlikely that people select different houses for their bookings. An option should be added in Settings to “Book directly”

    Mary Evans


    We are glad to inform you about the update of the Hotel Booking plugin. In the version 3.7.3 there was added the ability to redirect to checkout immediately after successful addition to reservation on the search results page.

    Book button behavior on the search results page can be changed in the Accommodation tab > Settings > click “Redirect to the checkout page immediately after successful addition to reservation”

    We notify you since you have requested this fix in Hotel Booking.  

    If you own a Hotel Booking plugin purchased apart from a rental theme you may get this version now. Though Hotel Booking plugin that was integrated into themes will be updated later with next theme release.

    Let us know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,
    Mary Evans


    Hi Mary,
    Even though I have enabled this feature, the number of “Adults” and “Children” are not preserved and the customer has to reselect the number of Adults and Children for the reservation.

    What I expected :
    Step 1: he made the search for availability for 2 Adults and 2 Children
    Step 2: Search results are returend
    Step 3: he clicks book now on one of the results
    Step 4: finally arrives at the checkout page for entering personal details and payment, but again the number of Adults and Children is lost, and he needs to enter it a second time.

    J. Davis


    Thanks for your reply. We have this request in our list of features – to keep the capacity parameters on the checkout page. We’ll notify you when we have any news on this.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Andrea Bertoni

    I agree with Marcel and Marco

    J. Davis

    Hi Andrea,
    Thanks for your feedback. It will be possible on one of the next updates.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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