Availability search results

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  • #966402

    Hello, I would like to know what factor is used by default to show search results, because, for example, I have 2 rooms of the same name and with the same attribute and 2 of another type (great room 1 for 4 guests, great room 2 for 4 guest ) (royal room 1 for 4 guests, royal room 2 for 4 guest) and if I am looking for availability for 8 guests it offers me great room 1 for 4 guests and royal room 2 for 4 guests, because it does not offer me both great room accommodation or both royal room in instead of offering me 2 different ones, what is the availability search factor used?
    Thank you.


    Hello Gabriela,

    There are offered the best accommodations according to a number of guests in the “Recommended” section of Search Results. If needed, you may disable this section in the Accommodation tab > Settings > unclick “Enable search form to recommend the best set of accommodations according to a number of guests”.
    Please, have a look at this article with more details and workaround provided.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    Hello, in the search result when I search for accommodation for 4 people it gives me the results but in the list of other available accommodation I interspersed accommodation for 4 and 2 guests with more accommodation available for 4 guests.

    ACCOMMODATION TYPES: accommodation 1 and 2 for 4 guests, accommodation 3 and 4 for 2 guests.

    search result for accommodation for 4 guests:
    recommended: accommodation 1.
    Other available accommodation: accommodation 3, accommodation 4 and accommodation 2.

    You should show me first the most recommended accommodation for the number of guests in the search.
    how do I solve it?


    Hi, Gabriel!

    This is how search results work by default in the plugin. If you would like to get search results according to the number of guests only, check this article with a workaround on how to achieve this.



    Yes, but in this way that you recommend in the availability search form, it only allows me to choose between the capacity of the types of accommodation example: 2, 4, 5 guests. But if there is a group of 14 people who want to rent, it does not give me the value 14 to choose and to distribute them in different available accommodation, for example: 2 accommodation for 5 guests + 1 accommodation for 4 guests.
    Is there any solution to that?


    Hello, Gabriela!

    You may configure up to 14 terms and apply them to all the accommodation types. For example, if your accommodations can be booked for maximum of 4 guests, then you may apply 5, 6, 7,…, 14 terms to all the accommodations, so when your Guests look for accommodations for more, than 4 persons, they get all of them in search results – in this way they will be able to book several ones to match their number of guests.



    It does not help me because it gives all the results separately and if you need more than one accommodation you must reserve them separately, instead of the normal way if you need for 8 guests and you have 4 accommodations for 2 guests, the pack of 4 accommodations is recommended so that the book together. This form that you tell me recommends 1 accommodation out of 2 and gives you a list of the other accommodations but you must book one at a time. It does not work.


    Hello, Gabriela!

    In your case I would also recommend turning off the “Enable search form to recommend the best set of accommodations according to a number of guests.” option under Accommodation ->Settings – this will disable recommendations and allow your Guests to choose the best option for them: https://prnt.sc/t5ffla.


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