How to send notifications with Arrival Guide

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Albatross How to send notifications with Arrival Guide

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  • #1646498
    Cian de Staic


    I’m wondering if there’s a way to have instructions on checking in (i.e. lockbox details) that sends prior to arrival similar to AirBnb?




    @Cian de Staic

    Here my 2 cents of what I understood searching in documentation before (as I am interested too to perfect this flow, and can totally relate to your request).

    Installing the Notifier add-on enables automatic email notifications before check-in and after check-out days:

    Notifier – Event-Driven Emails

    Settings of the emails:
    [I think a better out of the box after installations sequence of ready to use examples with complete translations would be appreciated]

    Settings of the notification:

    Notifier Settings #
    Imported/external bookings	
     Do not send notifications for imported bookings to Administrator.
     Do not send notifications for imported bookings to Customer.
     Do not send notifications for imported bookings to Custom email addresses


    Settings of 2 simple πŸ™ plain text variables :
    /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=mphb_room_type > detail of your accomodation

    Notification Customizer
    Following information can be included in Notifications specifically for this accommodation type when it is booked


    %accommodation_notice_1% = eg: remember not to forget the documents for the check-in
    %accommodation_notice_2% = eg: remember not to forget ..

    J. Davis

    You are right, Alberto. The Notifier addon is the best solution for sending automatic email notifications with any custom information. It allows you to send different notifications per each accommodation type.


    Thank you Davis, hope you also had some time for my previous highlight
    [I think a better out of the box after installations sequence of ready to use examples with complete translations would be appreciated]

    For @Cian de Staic, next problem you could bump into next is probably this:

    Copy of booking confirmation mail

    If you are interested too for that to grow,
    REMEMBER to write there β€œ+1” or similar (as the function β€œvote-up” is missing in this forum).

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