Appointment Booking Shortcode/Widget Doesn’t Work in Elementor Pop-up

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Appointment Booking Appointment Booking Shortcode/Widget Doesn’t Work in Elementor Pop-up

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  • #1594498

    I have a page where I need the Appointment Booking shortcode/widget to reside in an Elementor pop-up element. After using the shortcode/widget in the pop-up, it never loads (spinning wheel). I tested the case by dropping the shortcode in the page–not in the pop-up–and it works fine, so there seems to be an issue with it residing in the off-canvas pop-up in Elementor.

    Is there a workaround for this?


    The booking form is not compatible with Elementor popups. I’ve added your upvote to the task. We will notify you when we have any news.
    You may try using the form in a popup of a third-party plugin. We are sorry for the temporary inconvenience.

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