Allow Specific Rooms to be made unavailable.

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  • #612171
    Vachan Kudmule

    Is there a provision to allow specific rooms to be made unavailable for a specific date.
    Not the full Accommodation Type, but a specific Generated Accommodation.

    A walk-in guest booking happens and the property management system is not sync-able.
    Or any other mode of booking occurs, thus making a specific room (example: Deluxe Room 2 booked for 02-Jan-2018 to 04-Jan-2018).

    There must be a provision for allowing only a single room to be made unavailable; with an easier single window interface (like drag and select on the booking page and simply click unavailable).

    Stacy Lind


    This is exactly what we are working on now. The testing stage for this feature is almost over and we hope to make the update public next week. With this update you will be able to block certain rooms separately for any period of time. Also there are many more useful features concerning booking rules to be introduced next week.
    We hope you will like it!

    Vachan Kudmule

    Is there a timeline for the same?

    Vachan Kudmule

    Sorry to have missed:

    introduced next week

    I would love to become a beta-tester for this plugin 😉

    Vachan Kudmule

    As we have notices with Channel Managers and OTAs all allow inventory management of each room type and number of available rooms in a room type, for that specific date.

    Example: Assuming Superior Room has 6 units & Premium room has 4 units.

    Room Type | 01-Dec-2017 | 02-Dec-2017 | 03-Dec-2017
    Superior  |      4      |      6      |     0
    Premium   |      0      |      2      |     1

    It would be much easier to simply sync such data, as specific room number is not important, but how many rooms is most important.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Vachan Kudmule.
    Vachan Kudmule
    Room Type | 01-Dec-2017 | 02-Dec-2017 | 03-Dec-2017
    Superior  |      4      |      6      |     0
    Premium   |      0      |      2      |     1
    J. Davis


    We have released version where you can set up custom booking rules. You can update and check it now.

    As for another question so I’m not really sure i got it properly. Could you specify it more detailed providing examples or more information? Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Paul Fineran

    Good Morning,

    Can you advise if this feature to block out specific rooms has now been added please, as I am unable to get this function to operate?

    Being able to block out specific room / specific period is good for entering prior bookings.



    J. Davis

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for your question. Yes, it is possible to block either certain accommodation types and certain accommodations for certain period of time via Dashboard>Bookings>Booking Rules. Make sure you plugin is up to date to have this option.

    best regards,

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