Accommodation Types center

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  • #1277949

    Hey Hi
    I only wanna show 2 accommodation types on my homepage. Works! cause I’ve only got 2. But how do i get the 2 centered on my page. I don’t need the empty space for a third accommodation


    Hi, Thanks for your question. You may try to add the styles below to Appearance > Customize > Aditional CSS:

    @media (min-width: 992px){
    body.home .mphb_sc_rooms-wrapper.horizontal-list .type-mphb_room_type {
       width: 48%;
       margin-left: .66%;
       margin-right: .66%;

    Let us know if you have any further questions.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hello guys,

    I was wondering the exact same thing but keeping the size of the accommodations as they are now. I only need them to move to the center.

    Many thanks



    Hi George,
    Could you please provide your site URL where I can check the current styles?


    Many thanks for getting back to me. It’s


    Hi George,
    Thanks for your reply. You may try adding the style below:

    .mphb_sc_rooms-wrapper.mphb-room-types.standard.horizontal-list {
      justify-content: center;

    Otherwise, you may add Single Accommodation widgets into 2 columns and align the columns to the center via Elementor.

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