Artwork – Art Gallery WordPress Theme

An exclusive WordPress Art theme created to showcase diverse artworks of artists & photographers, and build online art studios and portfolios. Thanks to smooth parallax effects you can put all posts, images and galleries in different formats in the spotlight. A premium WordPress Page Builder plugin is included for free. Artwork is one of the most trusted solutions among WordPress artist themes.

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One-time payment. Lifetime updates. 1 year of support.

Artwork: A conceptual WordPress theme for art gallery

Full-Screen Front PageFull-Screen Front Page

The theme allows to apply full-width screen mode and emphasis on high quality images creating a memorable virtual tour for your online audience.

This is a very trendy and effective design solution for running any art-related website, blog, or workshop. The site visitors get the opportunity to notice even the smallest details of the featured works. Artwork is also featured in multiple roundups of favorite WordPress themes for art galleries.

Different Post FormatsDifferent Post Formats

Increase the diversity of your art-related website by presenting the posts in different formats. Easily switch to a gallery, image, link, or video Post type to choose the needed focus on individual works.

This stylistic difference among posts will help you keep the customers more interested and engaged.

Google fontsGoogle Fonts

The right topography is especially important for your art or photography website. Using a collection of Google fonts, you are not limited in expressing your creative ideas: choose any font from very sophisticated to more standard ones.

Just a couple of tweaks with the font size and your elegant typography is ready.

Unlimited Colors WordPress themesUnlimited Colors

Connect to the visitors’ feelings and increase readability with matching and complementary colors.

Change accent colors of your website, headers, and main text content just in several clicks. You can either choose one of the predefined color schemes or apply all needed ones with a color picker.

Visual Page BuilderVisual Page Builder

You can fill your website with much more useful functionality using a built-in MotoPress WordPress Editor. It allows to create perfectly structured layouts of pages and posts manipulating their content and structure manually right on the frontend.

Perfect tool for non-technical WordPress users.

You may also like other MotoPress solutions from the collection of WordPress themes for creatives: Pixetty, Nifty Fifty, or Creatista.


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31 Replies to “Artwork

  1. Hello,
    I have just installed your Artwork Lite theme. I just wanted to ask you: is it possible to change images pre-loaded on the home page or I need to buy the pro-version? Thanks.

    1. Hi Alessandro,
      Please try adding Work posts under Dashboard > Works > Add new. While adding a work post you need to select the proper featured image that will appear on the Home Page. Thus you may add unlimited amount of Work posts and they will appear on the Home Page of the site instead of the default ones.

    1. Hi,
      There are included XML and SQL file so you can pick one you’d like to use for import. We recommend to import sample data via SQL file as it brings all the settings and widgets while XML imports just content and media. Feel free to submit a request to our support team if you need our assistance or order Theme Installation offer.

  2. HI i have purchased the theme but not able to find the blog template for the page to build the exhibition page. how to do that, i have also logged a ticket for the same

  3. Any issues reported about compatibility with wordpress 4.7.2? wordpress gets down as soon as I activate the theme.

        1. Thanks. I checked it and found out that the problem was a conflict with ‘siteorigin master installer plugin’. I deleted that folder and now the theme and the wordpress are both running.

  4. Question for you guys, I use this theme on a couple of sites and I really like the demo home page that shows your logo and the site name and the site description with a border but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to replicate this with the builder, even in the paid version. Any advice?

    1. Hi Alexa,
      Page Builder is used for editing content part of post types like posts, pages, works, etc. Site name, logo are theme element and can be edited via Appearance>Customize. If you want to re-place or move it you can install Child theme and override default styles.

  5. Hi Pedro,
    Artwork theme is responsive and should look properly on mobile devices. You can describe your issue more detailed providing screenshots and examples by submitting a request to our support team. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Artwork theme demo also don’t look responsive on mobile. It doesn’t resize the images. Check for yourself. I also admire the theme.

      1. That is exactly the problem. The images appear too big. In the iPhone it even crashes. Doesn’t allow to select menu options. I am considering to buy this theme, but would like to have an answer about this problem. I am afraid I can’t request support because I am still using the free version of the theme.

          1. Hi,
            Yes, we have found that background images do not look well on iPhone only. We’ll do our best to fix it as soon as it is possible. We are sorry for temporary inconveniences.

  6. Thank you, mt friend~ Much Appreciated! Once I’ve site finished I’ll come back and add link. Thank You!

  7. Hi Folks – Really like this theme, very nicely done.
    Questions = is Woocommerce support salready declared in theme, or do i need to add that? That’s the onyl question~


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Release Notes

1.5.3, Apr 30 2024

  • Bugfixes and improvements.

1.5.2, May 29 2023

  • Update Artwork Theme Engine.

1.5.1, Jan 26 2023

  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8.

1.5.0, Feb 24 2020

  • Added theme support for WordPress 5.x (Gutenberg Editor).
  • Added theme support for Getwid plugin - collection of 40+ comprehensive Gutenberg blocks.

1.4.1, Jul 27 2018

  • Bugfixes and improvements.


  • Bugfixes and improvements.


  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce plugin


  • Added the ability to make a navigation menu always visible without a mouseover.
  • New custom sidebar added to WooCommerce page.


  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with image scaling on mobile devices
  • Content Editor plugin updated to version 2.1.0


  • Bug fix: fixed the issue with widgets in footer


  • Minor bugfixes and improvements


  • Initial release