Why do all my accommodations show Prices start at: $xxx for 2 nights

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Why do all my accommodations show Prices start at: $xxx for 2 nights

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    I have no minimum rules setup but all my accommodations say Prices start at: $xxx for 2 nights. Is there a hidden setting somewhere i am not seeing?

    Even if i set a min.max rule for 1 night it still says 2 nights. How do I fix this?


    Nevermind You can delete this. It was a cache issue.


    Hello Raphael,

    Thank you for letting us know, I am glad that the issue no longer persists.



    Hi, I am also experiencing this. On some of my accommodations, it says “Prices start at $xxx for 2 nights”. On other accommodations it say for 1 night. I need all to say 1 night. How can I fix this? Thanks!


    Hi Kerry,

    Most likely there are enable booking rules with a minimum stay of 2 nights for some properties. That’s why it shows the price per 2 nights for some of them.
    You may try to follow this workaround so far https://motopress.com/forums/topic/prices-start-at/#post-787079

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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