Visual Builder & Ultimate Member Plugin Conflict

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  • #668110
    232 Creative

    I use Motopress Visual Builder for my clients website. However, when I have Ultimate Member plug in activated, I’m getting two WordPress toolbars across the top of the website. One where it should normally be (across the top) but the other is coming in right below the visual builder toolbar and blocking the text toolbar.

    See Image Here

    Has anyone gotten this issue? It actually just happened to me when I was showing the client how to use Motopress (which was completely awkward). But is there a fix?

    J. Davis

    As a temporary solution you can try to add the style below to style.css file of the Child Theme or Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS:

    body.motopress-body #wpadminbar{
        display: none;

    best regards,

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