Use Accommodation types Widget feature front page in a full width page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Villagio Use Accommodation types Widget feature front page in a full width page

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  • #674576
    Massimo BH

    it’s possible?

    J. Davis

    Hi Massimo,

    I’m not quite sure I got your question properly. Could you specify it more detailed. I’d appreciate of you provide some example or screenshot. Thanks.

    best regards,

    Massimo BH

    Hi John,
    sorry if I was not clear.

    Can I use the the slider with Accommodation types (widgets for front page top) in a Full width page template?

    Thanks for your help

    J. Davis

    Hi Massimo,

    Thank you for clarification. Front Page Top Widget area is available for Front Page template only. However you can try using third party plugin for adding sliders and embedding them to different page templates or even pages.
    For example you can take a look at our WordPress Slider Plugin. It allows to slide post types e.g. accommodation types.

    Best regards,
    MotoPress team

    Massimo BH

    Hello John,
    sorry but I would just like to remove this huge margin for content in the front page template:

    remove margin content

    To have the same margins as the full width page template:

    Ok margin content

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Massimo BH.
    J. Davis

    Hi Massimo,

    Unfortunately it is not allowed to view the images you linked in message above due to your server permissions of firewall. Could you specify the margin you’d like to remove at Front Page template?

    best regards,

    Massimo BH

    Sorry John,
    see there:

    Thanks for your help

    J. Davis

    Hi Massimo,

    You can try adding the styles below to style.css file of Child Theme (or at Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS)

    .page-template-template-front-page .content-area{

    Note: if there is used [mphb_rooms] shortcode on the front page you will need to indicate amount of columns following theme documentation e.g.

    [mphb_rooms class="grid-view columns-3"]

    best regards,

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