Unwanted message next to hamburger menu in mobile mode

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  • #1235792

    Hi there,

    In mobile mode with screen width 1000px and smaller an unwanted message is displayed to the right of the hamburger menu. The message in Dutch is: “Dit zijn geen fysieke accommodaties, maar hun typen. Bijvoorbeeld standaard tweepersoonskamer. Als u het werkelijke aantal van de bestaande accommodaties wenst op te geven, moet u Accommodaties generatie-menu gebruiken.”
    The equivalent in English; “These are not physical accommodations, but their types. E.g. standard double room. To specify the real number of existing accommodations, you’ll need to use Generate Accommodations menu.”
    When the viewport is set to a width of 1000px and more the message is not visible.
    I don´t understand why this message is displayed. Does anybody know how to fix this and no message is displayed at all?


    Hello Edgar,

    Kindly provide me with your website URL and temporary access to your WordPress dashboard in a private reply, so I take a closer look at the issue.


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