Unable to translate using loco translate

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  • #1087019
    George Nicolaou

    I am using loco translate to translate the appointment booking for but the translations aren’t getting picked up any idea why?

    Should I use wpml instead?

    Video explanation

    George Nicolaou

    wpml works fine loco doesn’t seem to on this one

    Andre Flores

    Hello George,

    Both Loco and WPML should form fine for translating Appointment Booking plugin. However, we are still improving translations in the plugin, so it should work better in the next plugin releases.


    Gevorg Avdzhyan

    I have two questions!
    1). I translated the plugin into Russian, but not everything was translated in the form. How can these words be translated? (Service, Date, Time, Price) https://pastenow.ru/BWGP8
    2). How to make the date and time also be translated into the local language Russian? https://pastenow.ru/BWGWH

    Andre Flores

    Hello Gevorg,

    At the moment these variables can be translated only directly in public.js, public.min.js, flatpickr.js and flatpickr.min.js files for dates/months:

    weekdays: {
            shorthand: [
            longhand: [
        months: {
            shorthand: [
            longhand: [
        amPM: ['AM', 'PM'],

    And public.js and public.min.js files for Service, Date, Time, Price text:

    output += '<div class="mpa-booking-order-item">';
            output += '<ul class="mpa-reservation-details">';
                output += '<li class="mpa-reservation-service">';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-label">' + __('Service:', 'motopress-appointment') + '</span>';
                    output += ' ';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-value">' + serviceName + '</span>';
                output += '</li>';
                output += '<li class="mpa-reservation-date">';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-label">' + __('Date:', 'motopress-appointment') + '</span>';
                    output += ' ';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-value">' + Object(dev_functions_date__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["mpa_format_date"])(cartItem.date) + '</span>';
                output += '</li>';
                output += '<li class="mpa-reservation-time">';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-label">' + __('Time:', 'motopress-appointment') + '</span>';
                    output += ' ';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-value">' + cartItem.time.toString() + '</span>';
                output += '</li>';
                output += '<li class="mpa-reservation-price">';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-label">' + __('Price:', 'motopress-appointment') + '</span>';
                    output += ' ';
                    output += '<span class="mpa-value">' + servicePrice + '</span>';
                output += '</li>';
            output += '</ul>';
        output += '</div>';

    We are still working on improving translations in order to allow users to perform translations in language files.


    Gevorg Avdzhyan

    Thanks you!

    Gevorg Avdzhyan

    Thanks for me, it’s better to wait for the update. 🙂

    Andre Flores

    Hello Gevorg,

    You are most welcome 🙂
    Sure, we will definitely improve translations in the further plugin updates.


    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    I am delighted to let you know that we have just released the update for the Appointment Booking plugin v. 1.2.1 with the translations issues fix included in it. You may find out what other changes were included in update in the plugin Release Notes.
    Feel free to update the plugin to the latest version in order to be able to translate plugin terms easily.


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