Synchronised Bookings Without Customer Details

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  • #1009525
    Marc Ferguson

    Hi All

    I just noticed we had a booking pulled from and it had no customer info like name address, email etc.

    On th elogs section on the right of the booking it jsut says below

    Date: 25/09/2020 @ 07:43
    Author: Auto
    Message: Booking imported with UID [email protected].
    Summary: ” CLOSED – sifiso”.
    Description: .
    Source: -//, b.v.//NONSGML v1.0//EN.

    We have the same happen with a Expedia booking

    Date: 23/09/2020 @ 09:35
    Author: Kangelani Lodge
    Message: Booking imported with UID [email protected].
    Summary: “Reserved on Expedia”.
    Description: “Reserved by Andre McDuling”.
    Source: -//Expedia Group//iCal Service//EN.

    Amos Kater

    I have similar experience with Airbnb, need to copy/paste the details after every booking:( would be great when details are synced as well!

    Marc Ferguson

    Serious! So you need to login to and copy and paste the details from their site to your site?

    Thats going to be nightmare when we getting 20+ Bookings everyday. Not ideal

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Marc and Amos!

    The Hotel Booking calendars sync feature is used to have the availability imported/exported only in order to prevent overbooking, it is not used to have the full booking information imported/exported. However, we do have a similar feature request already – I have created your up-votes to it as well. If there are more requests regarding this matter from other users, we will consider implementing this feature to one of the plugin future updates.


    Marc Ferguson

    Okay thanks for that and happy for it to be upvoted

    Joke Scholte

    Upvote from me as well :-)!

    Andre Flores

    Hello Joke,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted 🙂



    upvote to extrapolate more booking details from iCal syncs from me too! With hundreds of bookings it gets very overwhelming to just see “Reserved on Expedia” for nearly every booking

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