Stripe Information Pass Through

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  • #1214585

    I have some issues with the Stripe Payment Gateway not passing as much information through for bookings as it could do.
    For example it will pass though the owner email and name.
    But when you go though to the detail of the transaction it does not pass though the full address to this page, or the customer email address.
    I think this is accommodated by the Stripe API, and it seems straight forward enough.
    Is there a reason this is omitted from the payment gateway?
    Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
    Can we get this added in on a future plug-in update?
    This makes accounting from Stripe very difficult.
    And also makes sending a future payment request to the customer from stripe more difficult than it needs to be, as the customer is not added to the stripe system.
    Thanks in advance


    stripe code

    This image may make it more obvious as to what is going on, and how easy I presume it would be to fix.

    Thanks again





    Hello Daniel,

    The issue is being taken care of in ticket #44564, kindly refer to replies in it.


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