How to show price without children

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  • #1183575


    I have a problem with the “Rooms and Apartments” page. I would like to have in the room listing the prices for two adults and not the full occupation. For example, my client has the double room type. The room is basically for two people. However, extra beds can optionally be added to accommodate an additional two children. However, this is not the normal case and should not be displayed as a ready price.

    I have attached an example picture here. The green price is displayed. Correct in this case, however, would be the red price.


    Is this possible? If so how?

    I am using the “Accommodation Types Listing” widget.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Many greetings


    Hello Andreas,

    You may set the base price as 85 per night, and then use Variable Pricing to configure prices according to the number of guests: This will allow to display 85 per night as a standard price and will increase the price in case children will also stay.



    Looks like it’s going to work. Thanks for the help!


    You are most welcome, I am glad I could help.
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    Thank you in advance!

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