Show all rates for a property/room

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  • #728038
    Chris Bradshaw

    Hi. wondering how I can show all the rates for a property (house). I see the shortcode for displaying rates [ mphb_rates id=”777″ ] but that only shows “rates from” and the lowest rate. I’m wanting a full table of all rates listed out by season. How could I accomplish this? Custom WP Query maybe?

    J. Davis

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your question. Unfortunately there is no way to list all season prices, variable pricing, etc. You may type this information and update it manually at the moment.

    We’ve added your request to our features list and will notify you here once we get any news on this. Thank you.

    best regards,

    Jason Blackburn

    I agree that this would be a helpful feature. I was trying to figure out how to do this when I came across this post.

    +1 for it.

    Mary Evans

    Hello Jason,

    Thank you for your upvote. We’ve added it and will notify you as soon as the requested feature gets implemented.
    If anybody else needs such a feature, feel free to leave your upvotes here.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    Ari Anttila

    +1 – where are you at? It has been a year since last comment on this. Thanks

    Andre Flores

    Hello Ari,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted. The feature request has not been quite popular to the date, so we are still collecting feedback from our users regarding this matter. There are other feature requests with more demand, so we have not yet selected this feature for development.
    Thank you for comprehension.


    Dejosée Bernard


    Thierno Ba


    jean-marc lahaye


    J. Davis

    Thanks your upvotes have been added.

    Amaya Iturain

    2 years later….

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