Several questions

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  • #1277429
    margaret Njeri

    How can I make the main slider to full with but have the rest as it is?
    2: I would like to remove the More Info button on the home slide whenever I delete it it breaks the whole page.
    3 I have tried to add other pages to the parent category home page but the page breaks the front page the same way it does when i remove the more information button.
    4. How do I change the font colour of the menu and the next on the slide show?
    5. can I have several reviews on the review section like a casserole.

    J. Davis


    Thanks for your questions.

    1. You may navigate to Appearance > Customize and switch the layout of the site to the Wide one.
    2. You may try to hide the button adding the style below to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    .luviana-front-page-header .child-pages-list .child-page-content .more-link {

    3. You need to add a read More Block to cut off the rest of the page content. The Read More block adds the button to the slider.
    4. You may try to use available options at Appearance > Customize > Colors or apply custom styles using CSS.
    5. Could you please clarify this question in more detail? Screenshots or examples are appreciated.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    margaret Njeri

    You may try to use available options at Appearance > Customize > Colours or apply custom styles using CSS.

    There’s no an option at the Appearance > Customize > Colours section, what is the correct css code for it?

    margaret Njeri


    5. Could you please clarify this question in more detail? Screenshots or examples are appreciated.

    We would like to display a few selected reviews of the rooms on our front page

    margaret Njeri
    J. Davis


    Thank you for your reply.

    1. You may change the text color of the header menu by editing the Light Header Text Color option at Appearance > Customize > Color. As for the text color at the slider then you may apply the style below:

    /* Edit color of the slide description */
    .luviana-front-page-header .child-pages-list.slick-slider p{
    /* Edit color of the slide heading*/
    .luviana-front-page-header .child-pages-list.slick-slider h2{

    2. You may try to add Media and Text Slider block to the page in order to add a slideshow of reviews instead of the default testimonials.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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