Rooms Grid View Book button height

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  • #1032812


    I’m starting out making a website for a B&B. They have 4 rooms to choose from, so I wanted to usethe Rooms-Grid View.
    I currently installed the Demo data, and set the amount of rooms to show to be 4.
    I now see the 4 rooms next to each other like I wanted. But the only thing I don’t like in the Grid View, is that the “book” buttons are not aligned horizontally. Depending on the width of the browser window, these “book” buttons sometimes align, and sometimes don’t.
    Is there a way to set fixed heights ? (I’m using a child theme for booklium)


    Hello Wim,

    Unfortunately, I was unable to replicate the issue locally, I would kindly ask that you provide a URL to the page in question in a private reply, so I take a closer look at it.


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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, thanks! that seems to work.

    Small addon question: I’m using the Child theme for booklium. I did this because i wanted to change the logo height in the header.
    I added some custom CSS in the “edit theme” style.css to accomplish that.
    So, What is the difference between your ” Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS” and the Theme editor style.css in a childtheme?


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