Protect rates of existing bookings when updating rate matrix?

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    Hi guys,
    If I update a room rate set it seems the plugin applies updates the rates of bookings already made under the old rate.
    This should not happen! Any old booking should be ‘protected’ and the rate needs to stay as they were since the guest booked it that way.
    How can this be solved please?



    Hello there,

    If the rate is changed, than it is indeed applied to previous bookings as well, however, this happens only in case you click “Recalculate Total Price” button while on the booking page in the back-end. This is how Rates functions by default at the moment.



    Hi Andre,
    Following up on this – what about services?
    We have to raise prices for our services mid year due to increase in cost to us, however, we need to honour the amount paid by the guest for existing bookings since that is what they’ve agreed to.

    Can you please confirm that all amounts on existing bookings are preserved/protected unless you press ‘recalculate’ in a booking?

    This should be handled differently in my opinion since the button is also required to be pressed to re-apply a coupon?
    Old values of bookings should always be preserved by default, it is a binding contract with the guest! I am not sure why there should be a re-cal feature for this at all?

    Kind regards,


    Hello there,

    That is correct, the service price does not change unless you click “Recalculate Total Price” button. Once the button is clicked, the price will change according to newly altered service price.


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