Problem with Google Maps

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  • #892416
    Claudio Vincentini

    I have create a Google API (build new project and create new API, set the domain) and I paste the API KEY into GETWID.

    When I go to frontpage in the page that display Google Maps I see this problem “Google Maps was not loaded correctly. For technical details, consult the JavaScript console.”

    What can I do?


    Hello Claudio,

    Please activate Maps API for your api-key.
    Here is the answer and instructions


    Paul Gartner

    Hi Steve, Hi MP Team
    I have the same problem with restricting GMaps API Keys:
    If I restrict them to a specific IP address or DNS, the Getwid GMaps Block returns the error posted by Claudio.

    Only by not restricting API Keys, it works.

    J. Davis

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for your question. Make sure you have turned on Maps JavaScript API while generating a key. You may also add your domain as refferer enabling this option Referral HTTP Sources (Websites) and adding your domain with asterisk like this* to be able to use Google map on any page or post of the same website.
    Let me now if it is helpful.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Paul Gartner

    Hi J. Davis
    Great thanks! It works now!

    Paul Gartner

    Hi J. Davis
    Sorry to re-open the thread, but the problem still exists, with and without restrictions.
    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
    Would you mind to check the GetWid Gmaps Block?

    J. Davis

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Could you specify if you can see any error when the map is not working? Could you press F12 on your keyboard to see the console with errors and specify if you can see any when the map is not working? Please provide us with exact text of the error message.

    Best regrads,
    J. Davis

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