Posts don’t follow colours set in Elementor Site Settings

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Emmet Next Posts don’t follow colours set in Elementor Site Settings

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  • #1066583

    I’ve set the link, background & text colours in Elementor Site Settings. However, this only seems to apply to Pages, and not to Posts.

    Posts show a different set of colours, and I do not find anywhere to edit those colours. I simply want them to follow the same Site Settings that I established for pages.

    How can I make that happen? Thank you!


    Hello Eric,

    Those colors are overridden by the theme CSS files. In order to change them you will need to add custom CSS under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS. Kindly provide me with the URl to the example page and highlight the colors you would like to change, so I provide you with valid CSS.


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