Portrait vs Landscape mode – dissapearing elements on main page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Albatross Portrait vs Landscape mode – dissapearing elements on main page

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1387625
    Maciej Kaczor

    Hello JD,
    I’m having small issue with my hotel booking and Albatross theme??
    Whenever I view main page on the iphone device in portrait mode: google map dissapears leaving blank space and review carousel stops functioning displaying only single review.
    Could you please point me in direction of solving that little issue??
    Thank you

    J. Davis

    Hi Maciej,

    Thanks for your question. Could you please check the Albatross theme demo whether you experience the same issue on your device?
    If the home page on the demo site works correctly please provide the URL of your site so I could check it too.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Maciej Kaczor

    Theme demo works flawless, problem is on my side I can’t quite pin point where tho.
    Thank you for your help


    J. Davis

    Hi Maciej,

    Thanks for your reply. Perhaps there is some kind of conflict with a third-party plugin installed on your site. You may try disabling the third-party plugins installed on your website to find the one that caused an issue.
    Let me know if it is helpful.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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