Hi Massimo,
Thank you for your message however could you specify why do not you like default solution? Such method is widely used in other platforms and systems.
Also there is target="_blank"
attribute available in the link of terms and conditions by default. But there is also available a JS code that opens page content without opening it in new window.
That JS is applied for link class mphb-terms-and-conditions-link so you can override function renderTermsAndConditions()
and change class to something different e.g.
add_action( 'wp_head', 'remove_renderTermsAndConditions' );
function remove_renderTermsAndConditions(){
remove_action( 'mphb_sc_checkout_form', array( '\MPHB\Views\Shortcodes\CheckoutView', 'renderTermsAndConditions' ), 60 );
add_action( 'mphb_sc_checkout_form', 'custom_renderTermsAndConditions', 60);
function custom_renderTermsAndConditions(){
$termsPageId = MPHB()->settings()->pages()->getTermsAndConditionsPageId();
$termsHtml = MPHB()->settings()->main()->getTermsAndConditionsText();
if ( !empty( $termsHtml ) ) {
<section class="mphb-checkout-terms-wrapper mphb-checkout-section">
<div class="mphb-terms-and-conditions">
<?php echo $termsHtml; ?>
<p class="mphb-terms-and-conditions-accept">
<input type="checkbox" id="mphb_accept_terms" name="mphb_accept_terms" value="1" required="required" />
$termsPageUrl = get_permalink( $termsPageId );
$termsPagelink = '<a href="' . esc_url( $termsPageUrl ) . '" target="_blank">' . _x( 'terms & conditions', 'I\'ve read and accept the terms & conditions', 'motopress-hotel-booking' ) . '</a>';
printf( _x( 'I\'ve read and accept the %s', 'I\'ve read and accept the <tag>terms & conditions</tag>', 'motopress-hotel-booking' ), $termsPagelink );
<abbr title="<?php _e( 'Required', 'motopress-hotel-booking' ); ?>">*</abbr>