Need the booking report to display on dashboard

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Need the booking report to display on dashboard

  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Piran Doctor.
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  • #992137
    Deryck Brockhurst

    Hello, my client want to see all the bookings on the dashboard before or without exporting it to CSV file. How can i achieve that?

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Deryck!

    All the bookings are available under Bookings ->All Bookings tab in the Dashboard – so far this is the only option to view available bookings with all the statuses.


    Piran Doctor

    Hi, as my question is related to this topic, I thought I should put my question here. Is it possible to filter these bookings (on all bookings page), based on user role(say a user belongs to a particular property or place, he will see only his bookings). If we need to custom code it, could you please share which file I need to look into?


    J. Davis

    Hi Piran,

    Thanks for your question. By default, there is no option to restrict bookings per specific user. We also do not offer customization of this type at the moment.
    You may try using third-party plugins or any custom solutions to achieve that.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Piran Doctor

    Hey Davis, thanks for prompt reply.
    If I need to custom code it, can you suggest which files I need to check or edit ?
    I tried customizing it as per my requirement and added custom code to file (\plugins\motopress-hotel-booking\includes\admin\manage-cpt-pages\booking-manage-cpt-page.php).
    End result shows correct behavior, i.e it lists bookings based on user (filtered based on property he belongs to). I could control the custom columns, but not the checkbox column (first column on All Bookings page), it repeats for All bookings . Can you suggest which file I need to touch to control this checkbox iteration?

    Hope I’m clear with my explanation.

    J. Davis

    Hi Piran,

    Thanks for your further question though I’m not sure what exactly checkbox you mean. Are you about ‘Display imported bookings.’ option at Bookings > All Bookings?

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Piran Doctor

    Hi Davis,
    Thanks for the reply,
    Please check the screenshot attached for the checkbox im talking about:
    Custom-AllBookings page
    Here the list is filtered (customized the code to only filter based on property/place) as per the requirement.
    I could control the custom columns, but not the checkbox column (first column on All Bookings page), it repeats for All bookings (its marked in red in the screenshot) . Can you suggest which file I need to touch to control this checkbox iteration?

    Piran Doctor


    I couldn’t upload the image and edit the post in my earlier post. So sharing a link here again.

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