mphb_payment_status=mphb-p-completed does not redirect to page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking mphb_payment_status=mphb-p-completed does not redirect to page

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  • #1536647
    Florent Mailland SCI FLORONIE

    First time using Hotel Booking and when i perform a successfull booking request i’m not redirected to the page i setup in parameters.

    Instead it stays on page https://*****.com/index.php/booking-confirmation/?payment_id=151*&payment_key=payment_151*_6564e3c716cbd0.55271065&mphb_payment_status=mphb-p-completed

    This page is the booking confirmation page but blank without any data inside.

    This leads to a bad client experience (even if the notification email is successfuly sent to client) landing on a blank page is not good…

    Any idea how i can fix this?

    J. Davis

    Hi Florent,
    You need to have a Booking Confirmed / Reservation Received page with the following shortcode [mphb_booking_confirmation]
    It should be selected as Booking Confirmed page at Accommodation > Settings or as Reservation Received at Accommodation > Settings > Payment Gateways depending on the confirmation mode.

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