Limit Number of People that can make an appointment

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Appointment Booking Limit Number of People that can make an appointment

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  • #1070772

    Is there a way or any plans of creating a feature so that we can limit the number of people that can book a service on a specific day? Say I am giving Yoga classes on Tuesday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm but only 20 people are allowed at a time. Is that in your plans. I don’t see a way of doing that now.


    Hello George,

    Unfortunately, there is no such feature in the plugin at the moment. I have passed your request for further consideration to our developers. In case there are more similar requests from other users, they might consider adding this feature in one of the plugin future updates.
    Anybody else, who also needs this feature feel free to let us know by commenting this topic.



    We’re delighted to let you know that we’ve released the Appointment Booking plugin update v. 2.0.0 recently where we significantly improved group booking functionality to allow multiple independent people to book the same appointment slot as long as there are vacant places available Thank you!

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