Import Reservations from Wheelbase to Hotel Booking

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Import Reservations from Wheelbase to Hotel Booking

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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  • #1079852

    Does anyone have experience in importing reservations from Wheelbase (another booking system)? We need to import about 200 existing reservations into a new website that uses Hotel Booking instead. We got everything except the Accommodation Type, which of course prevents the reservation date from appearing in the calendar. I’d appreciate any thoughts because if we can’t make the calendar work, I’ll have to add Wheelbase reservations manually which means the launch date will be postponed (ugh!).


    Hello Nancy,

    Unfortunately, there is no option to import bookings from other platforms, other than synchronizing external calendars with the Hotel Booking via iCal. Adding bookings to the plugin manually will indeed take much time, so as an easier option you may block your accommodations for booked dates under Bookings ->Booking Rules, unless you need external bookings to be “physically” present in your dashboard.


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